2024 Brought with it extremely high grocery prices due to inflation, and we understand that it made it hard for people to afford the necessities, as well as buy a side or whole beef, This made me again reconsider and re-evaluate. With the kids in school full time, it has opened my daytime schedule up to do more deliveries again, and we would love for those unable to afford bulk beef at this time to still be able to experience the delicious and healthy beef that we have to offer.
I will once again be doing monthly deliveries in all locations, so be sure to check out the website for all the products and delivery dates we offer.
I also would like to work on subscriptions still. This would offer the ability to subscribe for a monthly. bi-monthly, quarterly etc. package. This would ensure that we have the products you want as well as being able so "set it, and forget it" and still have your favorites delivered to you. If you are interested i being one of the first to try it, please let me know.
Thank you for your support, and we hope that this will make it easier of all of our customers.
Happy 2025.
We have decided here at Dykshoorn Farms that it is time to make some changes to our operation. Due to the rising costs of raising cattle, processing cattle, delivering beef etc... we have had to make some hard decisions.
We are still committed to raising and selling amazing tasting beef, and delivering it to your door, however we are going to have to make some other changes.
We are going to have to limit the amount of cuts that we have available. It is too costly for us, and too time consuming for me to be delivering these smaller amounts of beef. Therefore, we are changing things up. We are now going to be doing pre-orders for all our bulk beef, which will now only be available 2 times per year, so don't miss out, and be sure to get your order and deposit in ASAP as there will also be limited quantities. This will allow us to plan better as to how many animals we need to be keeping in our beef program each year, as well as allow us to feed and finish the beef to the standard that we want.
I am also working on adding more bundles as well as a subscription service to the website. The subscriptions will be available in monthly as well as quarterly meat subscriptions boxes to stock your freezer. This will also allow us to plan our beef program numbers better, and it will allow me to track inventory more effectively. I am also hoping to add the option to add on extra products to your subscription boxes.
Delivery is also going to be changing a bit. I will now only be delivering once a month to each of our locations instead of weekly. This will help keep our costs down as the price of fuel and vehicles is at an all time high.
Thank you again for all of your support. I am excited to implement these changes, and to streamline our business in hopes that we will be able to keep our costs down for our customers.